It has come to that time of the year again where we get to read and hear all about that new fun and exciting expansion details Battle for Azeroth, WoW Patch 8.0. Kicking off near the end of the year (August) we get to look forward to Battle for Azeroth. We currently get to take a look at one of the new cities "Zuldazar" which is one of many to come in this new expansion.
Today we are going to look at what you can expect from this up and coming expansion Battle for Azeroth, whether that be in-game, out of game and from us here at

WoW Patch 8.0 | Battle for Azeroth
Let us take a closer look into Zuldazar during Battle for Azeroth - WoW Patch 8.0, a remnant of the once-mighty Zandalar empire. Please join us on a brief tour through the oldest city in the world and the magnificent land that harnesses its beauty. High above the jungle canopies, the Golden Throne serves as Zuldazar's city center, with some of the most breathtaking views in the region. It is from here that Rastakhan, king of the Zandalari, rules. A vast, ancient cityscape of interconnected terraces sprawls out below, dotted with temples devoted to the loa, which are maintained by their loyal servants.
As you enter the brand new city, it becomes clear to the viewer that all is not well in the great empire. Dark secrets lurk these halls, and whispers of a rebellion take the city by storm. As a representative of the Horde it is your task to earn the trust of King Rastakhan and the Zanchuli Council to gain access to Zuldazar's resources and superior naval force. The entire fate of the Horde's war efforts rest on your shoulders. As you can imagine, this will be your primary stop for your needs, as it has plenty to offer! Whether it be an inn for a nice cup of brisked tea, portals to all major Horde cities along with Dalaran, profession trainers, a bank, training dummies, vendors, and much more! As you can imagine, it can be easy to get lost in all the amazing things the empire has to offer, but there is many more things the world has to offer. So make your pit stop quick and get back into the action!
You'll find the expansive Port of Zandalar at the southernmost part of the city, marking its official lowest point. Those who have the power (level 115) and have completed an introductory quest offered in Battle for Azeroth, Captain Rez'okun will facilitate access to Island Expeditions from the Expedition Map.
The Outlying Land:
Zandalar's rich tapestry of flora and fauna deserve research and cataloguing. The Zandalari have shown themselves to be able beast masters, having domesticated many of the creatures that roam the land. Some of these serve as helpful allies to the Zandalari; others prove obstacles to those who would seek to exploit the jungle's resources. They offer some new and fun exciting content in Battle for Azeroth - WoW Patch 8.0

WoW Patch 8.0 | Battle for Azeroth
Tamed Ravasaurs, Brutosaurs, Pterrodax, and Direhorns make up just a portion of their menagerie. There are countless other wild beasts that make their homes in surrounding jungles, from Muddy Riverbeasts to Roaming Nibblers.
We find ourselves allied with a new race, called the Tortollan. They can be found within the cities walls, as well as outside them, the most important thing to them is the knowledge of rare artifacts. They are in constant need of brave souls to aid them in this quest, the journey will be risky but it is within your best interest to help them, so they will come in very handy!
You can find the king of these magnificent lands by following the Golden Road from the city and up into the mountaints to the west, you will reach the destination known as Atal'Dazar. These pyramids have served as the resting place for Zandalari kings for millennia, with each passing ruler, new rooms are constructed to house the deceased's vast wealth.
A vast coastline surrounds Zuldazar to the south, east, and west, offering bountiful opportunities for fishing, boating, swimming, and treasure hunting. To the north, the marshland of Nazmir awaits exploration, offering plenty of opportunities to earn your way into the good graces of the Zandalari in WoW Patch 8.0.
The Zandalari is a beautiful new city, which is one of many to come and we are excited to keep you updated throughout this journey and hope to provide you a quality service!

WoW Patch 8.0 | Battle for Azeroth
What you can expect from us:
We have a lot in store, which we are eager to announce, when the time is right and we have obtained more information surrounding the new expansion in WoW Patch 8.0. As always, you can expect us to assist in the leveling process, which for some is a very enjoyable period, and for others the worst part of the expansion, we see and respect both sides.
The developers have already confirmed Mythic+ dungeon mode is here to stay for good in Battle for Azeroth, and will be one of the best gearing methods once again this time around. Our teams will be working extremely hard in assuring we know all the details around these dungeons and have the most optimal gear to power through them and gear any character of your choosing.

WoW Patch 8.0 | Battle for Azeroth
We currently don't have any information surrounding the raids, but you can guarantee we will be the first to provide any details around it, and provide you the best deals so they are affordable and give you the best gearing experience.
As always if you have any questions regarding the expansion, or what we will be offering during the expansion as well, you can always contact us through our Discord, Skype or Customer Support. We pride ourselves on offering the best deals while also providing a quality service to all of our customers. We hope you decide to choose us as your boosting provider, and we look forward to any future business we do with you.
You can also expect many more articles to come out surrounding this expansion, giving you the most up to date details and the best service. Battle for Azeroth!
Thank you for reading this article, and we will keep you posted to any updates that are announced for this upcoming expansion.
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